Wednesday, June 6, 2018

100,000 strong

About once a week or so, Barry ventures into the unknown on Maryland's Eastern Shore to take care of the little buggers, which now number around 100,000, up from 40,000 beginning of May.

These bees are very lucky because Daddy Barry makes life so comfortable for them.  Here he is checking out his babies.

A smoker is supposed to calm them down so they don't sting you.

A thought has occurred.....

I'm beginning to wonder about this.  Sometimes, it seems like a bee spa more than a hive.  Barry brings them sugar water (8 pounds of sugar mixed in a big pot of water), installed a solar fan so they don't have to flutter their collective wings to cool the place down and Stan is planting a garden nearby so they can get nectar.  How is all this luxury helping the human race?  When are they going to get to work pollinating the local crops?  What incentive do they have if everything is brought to them?  

Just asking.


Meanwhile, right in our back yard...

Patio pond

 Future beefsteaks

The little walking bush

Gratuitous beautiful flower photo

Another gratuitous beautiful flower photo

Das swamp after 10 inches of rain

Who needs Vero?

Much anticipated review of "Adrift," the new movie about a sailing couple caught in a Category 5 hurricane.

It's good.