Saturday, September 22, 2018

"It's better to be in the arena, getting stomped by a bull, than to be up in the stands or out in the parking lot." --Steven Pressfield, author of the "War of Art," a book about creativity



This week, two new queens were added to the hives.  (The others got a little pooped out and needed help.)  They cost $15 each and came in the mail.

Inside were cages with the queens: one Italian, one Russian.

Sofia and Sasha in their cages.  If this was a video, you'd see them wiggling around surrounded by a few helpers.

Empty cages after Sofia and Sasha were released. The way it works is the workers already in the hive eat through some sugar candy covering holes in each cage.  That way the queens can get out and the process allows enough time for them to acquire the smell of the hive so they won't be rejected.  It seems like getting along with a new group works as long as you smell ok.  Who thinks of this stuff?


The honey extractor arrived.  All $900 of it.

 And got piled into the BeeMobile and taken to the Eastern Shore.

Where is it now set up to do the extraction sometime this fall.

This is one frame of honey which will be extracted.

And put in little bottles.



High tide in downtown Annapolis (not from the hurricane -- all natural)

Views from our room at St. Michaels Harbour Inn and Marina, Miles River, Md. (last week's pop-up getaway)

That's all folks.